Dream Holi Festival – is not just an event, it is an unique and unforgettable experience for everyone, as well as for the whole family!
It is a festival of colors, the roots of this event go back far to the past. Read about the origin of the festival here.
Festival HOLI captured the hearts of residents in Europe and British colony already in the 17th century and continues to win the hearts of everyone to this day. The festival is held annualy as an open air event. There are no age limits for the participants. There are no rules, there are no hard feelings, there are just pure joy, jokes and fun.
Before the event, participants rush to stock up powder in different colors to pour it on the heads, faces and clothes of other participants. Participants of the festival often compare the amount of colors on people and hope to become the brightest guests of the festival. The legend says that the more colors there are on a person, the more good wishes he has received.